How Many Hours in a Day Should you Serve your Customers for?

Live Chat Agent
2 min readSep 5, 2020


If you rely on your website for selling products, you need to ensure a round-the-clock service because, you can’t expect your customers to visit your website only at a time that is convenient to you. You should serve them day and night. If the only objective of your website is to spread awareness about anything among your visitors and you are certain that your content has all the desired answers, you can afford to refrain from offering a round-the-clock service through real human beings. Right? Wrong!

No matter what your objective through your website may be, you should never leave your visitors alone on your website. Instead of being served round-the-clock only through content, real human beings should also be present on your website 24/7/365 in order to make the visit of your customers on your website satisfactory, memorable and good enough to ensure that they continue to come back to your website on a regular basis.

If you have not done it till now, you should instantly get in touch with a live chat service provider and make its concerned staff aware of everything you want to accomplish through your website. Refrain from relying on service providers who are not at all as good as they claim to be. Check their past accomplishments, their list of happy and satisfied clients and ensure that each and every positive testimonial on their website is authentic and then, give them the access to your website.

The fate of your website depends on the live chat agents who are responsible to serve your visitors according to their expectations. So, you should always ensure that they they are doing everything they should do in terms of serving your existing as well as your potential customers. Encourage your visitors to give their precious feedback after each and every chat in and accordingly, persist or part ways with your service provider.



Live Chat Agent

LiveChatAgent service allows you to generate more leads from your website, increase sales and improve customer support. All this and much more, 24 X 7 X 365.